

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №13(280)

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Shcherbinina A. IMAGE OF THE HOME OF CHILDREN BROUGHT UP IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF FAMILY // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 13(280). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/280/146681 (дата обращения: 12.01.2025).
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Shcherbinina Anna
Student of Pedagogical Institute National Research University Belgorod state university, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer Foreign languages department of Pedagogical Institute National Research University Belgorod state university, Russia, Belgorod




Щербинина Анна Евгеньевна

студент Педагогического института Национального исследовательского университета Белгородский государственный университет, РФ, г. Белгород

Марков Александр Владимирович

научный руководитель, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Педагогического института Национального исследовательского университета Белгородский государственный университет, РФ, г. Белгород


Abstract. The article discusses the peculiarities of child rearing in different types of family - in complete and incomplete families. Theoretical aspects of studying the image of the home of children who are brought up in different families - complete and incomplete - are studied in detail.

The author concludes that there is a tendency for children to repeat the models of their parents' attitudes, and consequently, children with different typologies of family upbringing will develop different models of the family. It has also been found that children in complete families have more positive emotions, while children from single-parent families have less positive emotions and more negative emotions.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности воспитания детей в разных типах семьи – в полных и неполных семьях. Подробно исследуются теоретические аспекты изучения образа дома у детей, которые воспитываются в разных семьях – полных и неполных.

Автор приходит к выводу, что у детей формируется тенденция в повторении моделей отношения своих родителей, следовательно, у детей с разной типологией семейного воспитания будут формироваться разные модели семьи. Также выявлено, что у детей в полных семьях более выражены позитивные эмоции, тогда как у детей из неполных семей меньше выражены эмоции позитивного характера и более выражены негативные эмоции.


Ключевые слова: образ дома у детей, полная семья, неполная семья, типы семей, воспитание.

Keywords: image of children’s home, complete family, single-parent family, types of families, upbringing.


In our country 2024 was declared «Year of the family», which means that in Russia special attention is focused on the preservation of traditional family values, which are the main for the state.

The choice of the theme of the year related to the popularization of family values in Russian society is not an accident, as our country has always emphasized such important values for the individual as love, respect, support, understanding, which in all times have been and continue to be the basis for the creation of a happy and strong family.

One of the main measures taken to create conditions for the popularization of family values in Russia is to support the institution of the family, create conditions for family upbringing, and create responsibility on the part of parents and legal representatives to the educational process, creation of comfortable conditions for development of social, communicative and psychological-pedagogical competence of parents.  

The problem of studying the image of the home in a child in modern conditions acquires urgency in connection with the fact that in modern society there are clearly tendencies to violate traditional family values, complicating the situation with child-parent relations. There are acute problems with the formation of marital roles, which will certainly influence the image of the home of the child and, in general, his or her attitude towards his or her family in the future.

Today, the problem of shaping the image of the home in children with different types of family upbringing - in a complete and incomplete family - remains insufficiently studied.

Unfortunately, psychologists have to deal with the phenomenon of different types of family education in their professional activities. 

In modern conditions, more and more often psychologists deal with single-parent families, where one of the parents can raise children for various reasons. These are generally women who have no spouse or single mother.

The process of influencing the image of the home and the image of the family in a child is largely connected with a significant social environment that has a significant impact on the development of the child’s personality.

We assume that the process of upbringing, perception of the child’s image of the home in children with different family typology - complete or incomplete can vary significantly.

If we turn to the analysis of the image from the perspective of the sphere of consciousness, let’s lead A.N. Leontiev [4], who determines that the image of the person is based on the feelings penetrating the sphere of consciousness, which change into new characteristics. So A.N. Leontiev [4] defines as the basic characteristic of the image his activity and active function.

V.S. Chernyavskaya, A.A. Silich [6] in their research determined statistically significant differences in children in complete and incomplete families: it was found that children from a single-parent family have fewer positive emotions and more negative ones. The authors also specify that the image of the family and the image of the home in children is formed through the prism of the cognitive development of the child’s personality, through the characteristics of family relations, as well as other factors that influence the image of the home, the image of the family in children brought up in different types of families.

A.A. Schutzenberger [8] determines that an unconscious tendency is formed in a child, which manifests itself in the repetition of the model of relations of their parents in their family. As a result, the image of the child’s home is relevant, the image of the family corresponds to the actual so-called retrospective image of the family, which was at the parents.

The study of issues devoted to the study of the image of the home in children in the context of different typologies of families (complete and single-parent families) is connected with the study of the subjective representation of part of the image of the world in a child, that is, the study of a system of significant family relations, which are manifested in relationships between family members.

It should be noted that the image of the home and the image of the family of a child is the result of reflection in the consciousness of the child’s real social experience of interaction in the family. Such a position is held by N.I. Demidova [1], T.Y. Zamyvotkina [2], O.G. Kulish [3], A.V. Ryzhkova [5] and others.

In general, V.S. Chernyavskaya, A.A, Stroyach believe that the child’s image of the home, the image of the family is guiding, regulating and controlling character, which determines the process of interaction with parents and surrounding family members.

A.A. Shvedovskaya, T.Y. Zamytchekina [7] determines that there are typological features of the image of the family, the image of the home in children, which are connected with the experience of inter-family interaction. The researchers determined the relationship of typology of family image, image of the home and subjective economic well-being of the family.

Thus, it can be concluded that, according to theoretical and practical studies on the image of the home and the image of the family in which children are brought up in different types of families, there are differences, which are related to the following features:

1. Children in complete families have more positive emotions, while children from single-parent families have less positive and more negative emotions (the study was conducted with pre-school children).

2. When children experience the situation of a complete or incomplete family, they tend to repeat the pattern of their parents' relations with their family, which may lead to negative tendencies experienced by the child in an incomplete family.

3. The child’s image of the home, the image of the family, is guiding, regulating and controlling, which determines the process of interaction with parents and surrounding family members.

Hence, an important aspect in shaping the image of the home for children will be the social experience gained in the process of upbringing in a complete or incomplete family.

Generally speaking, by home we mean the image of the family, which is determined in the child’s whole process of interaction with parents and other family members, which is projected on his psychological well-being and is able to form a certain behavior in society.


1. Demidova N.I. Formation of the image of the family in senior preschoolers: diss. ... Kand. ped. Sciences. M., 2003. - 27 p.
2. Zavyvtkina T.Y. Image of the family in older pre-school children, brought up in families of different socio-economic status. Ciss... Kand. Psychol. of Sciences: 19.00.13.  / T.Y. Zamytchekina. -  M., 2016. - 277 p.
3. Kulish O.G. The image of a prosperous and dysfunctional family in children of different psychological age: Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference «Psychological problems of the modern Russian family»: In 2 hours/ Under the general population. Rev. Dr. Psych. Sciences V. K. Shabelikov and Kand. Psycho. Sciences A. G. Lyupova. M., 2003. Ch. 1. - 328 p.
4. Leontiev A.N. Psychology of the image // Herald of the Moscow University. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1979.   2. P. 37-46.
5. Ryzhkov A.V. Features of the «image of the family» of parents with children of preschool age // Izvestia RGPU them. A. I. Herzen. 2008.  80. P. 487 - 489
6. Chernyavskaya V.S., Silich A.A. Image of family in pre-school children from families of different types // Concept. 2015.   6. - P. 1 - 7
7. Swedish A.A., Zamytchenkina T.Y. Image of the family in older pre-school children, brought up in families of different socio-economic status // Psychological science and education. 2016. Volume 21.   4. P. 83-101
8. Schutzenberger A.A. Ancestral Syndrome: Transgenerational Relationships, Family Mysteries, Anniversaries, Injury Transmission and Practical Use of Genosociogram, - M.: Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005. - 256 p.