Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)
Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of non-traditional forms and methods of organizing the lesson activity. Non-standard lessons play an important role in the development of students, increasing their motivation for learning. The optimal combination of traditional and unconventional lessons increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The aim of the article is to reveal the possibilities of a non-standard lesson as an effective method of teaching. The article is intended for students, graduate students and teachers of universities of pedagogical direction.
Keywords: non-standard lesson, education, creative potential, teaching method.
The standard lesson, which is a test of memorization of already prepared material by students, causes nothing but a gradual loss of interest in the subject. In such an environment students have no opportunity to develop creatively, their minds are as if "imprisoned" to the standards of the educational process. That is why modern education should have non-traditional forms of learning in the form of non-standard lessons. Let's consider the advantages of this form of education.
A non-standard lesson uses an individual-oriented approach. Such a format of education is relevant for the modern school, as a consequence of this it is very important for any teacher to create suitable conditions for the use of potential and actual opportunities of each child in the class [Baiserkeev 2016: 2].
During non-standard lessons the student gets an opportunity to develop his or her creative potential. Modernization of the education system of the Russian Federation is aimed at ensuring accessibility and quality of educational services for each citizen, creating conditions for the development of the subjective experience of each student. Systemic changes in this area give domestic education a creative and personality-oriented character. As a consequence, a tendency of transition from the concept of mass-reproductive study of academic subjects to an individual, creatively oriented approach, allowing to create the basis for constant self-development of the personality, realization of its creative potential, which should be considered as one of the leading concepts in the categorical apparatus of pedagogy of creative self-development has been formed at the secondary school [Cheremisina 2018: 10].
Non-standard classes are characterized by novelty, originality, each lesson is unique, which undoubtedly increases students' interest in learning, and, consequently, the effectiveness of learning. The optimal combination of non-traditional and traditional lessons increases the productivity of the educational process. The non-standard approach to the organization of lessons promotes activization of interest of schoolchildren, teaches to work in a team, develops creativity, checks knowledge of pupils, provides independent activity. At a choice of forms and methods of the organization of such lessons it is necessary, first of all, to define what purpose will be the main. If the teacher sets a goal to increase interest in the subject, then it is necessary to use such entertaining technologies such as games, competitions. The new material can be explained with the help of fairy-tale characters, draw up the lesson in the form of a journey. To test knowledge it is possible to use quizzes, contests and competitions [Khomenko 2019: 8].
Non-standard forms of learning represent a creative finding of the teacher. Such lessons could not be better suited to the new concept of general secondary education, which focuses on the student as a person, the development of his creative abilities, inculcating an interest in learning. Despite the large number of publications, this topic has not yet been fully explored and will continue to be of interest to various research.