
Research of ways and means of overcoming pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(156)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Lapkin D. Research of ways and means of overcoming pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 20(156). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/156/93840 (дата обращения: 10.01.2025).
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Research of ways and means of overcoming pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren

Lapkin Danil
Student of National Research University BelSU, Russia, Belgorod


The purpose of the research work: to study the level of pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren.

Pedagogical neglect is one of the most common problems of children's development, associated with the peculiarities of the situation of their development and due to psychological and pedagogical reasons. This situation is characterized by the predominance of authoritarianism in the educational environment, its inconsistency, instability, low dynamism in relation to the child, as well as weak activity of the child in interaction with the environment.

This circumstance slows down the formation of the subjective qualities of the person of the child and schoolchildren. At the same time, someone creates similar competitive creations, as well as inaction, negligence, appearance, locus of control and motivation of the person's actions. In these circumstances, the identification and personalization movements of the person are violated. At school age, the development of neglect is influenced by social, pedagogical, and psychological factors, and the main role is played by family factors.

The research work consisted of a psychocorrective program of developing classes with pedagogically neglected children. Stages of each lesson:

1. "Greeting" psychotechnical games for establishing contact, developing attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

2. "I think, I write" written exercises for the development of skills of educational activity (arbitrariness of actions, the ability to organize and control their motor activity, act in accordance with the instructions of an adult, etc.).

3. "Growth ladder" development of self-esteem — each child marks their progress in the classroom.

4. "Family portrait" reflects the established relationships in your own family, based on group relationships.

The basis for the study was the MBOU " Verkhnepokrovskaya SOSH»

At the first stage of the research work, we conducted a series of tests presented above, in order to identify the level of pedagogical neglect in children. With the help of these methods, we developed a state of support for children in adapting to school, which involves, in particular, the formation of psychological regulation in the child, the prevention and reduction of anxiety, hostility, fears, and an increase in self-determination. This program can be used to correct pedagogical neglect by a social teacher in a general education institution. Thus, pedagogical neglect occurs where conditions are not created for the full socialization and individualization of the child's personality.

In the game" Greeting", the children were observed to establish contact. They willingly listened to the teacher's task, performed it, and also participated in the discussion and even offered their own options. There were 45% of such children, some children listened attentively, performed and discussed tasks-40%, and only 15% of children only listened and completed tasks. We discussed and contacted only within the group of children.

With the task "I think, I write" correctly coped with 60% of children, 35% partially coped with the task and 5% did not cope with the task at all. In the "Growth Ladder" exercise, 70% of the children were able to answer the question, 20% found it difficult to answer, and 10% could not answer anything.

With the "Family Portrait" task, in which the teacher demanded to describe their family, 35% of the children described their family as "A family with a high level of moral relations", 55% of the children described the family as "A family with normal relations" and 10% of the children described their family as a "Conflict family".

Methodological recommendations for overcoming the pedagogical neglect of schoolchildren

The maximum effectiveness of the whole educational activity can be guaranteed only by the systematic aspect. This condition, of course, fully belongs to the educational work with pedagogically abandoned children. It is possible to guarantee the greatest result of teaching and teaching students who deviate from their own actions and work from generally recognized standards only in this case, if the personal activities drawn with them become integral to the totality of the entire educational work of the training institution.

Thus, a systematic aspect is also needed in the planning of this activity. And this, therefore, means that specialized problems of teaching and training pedagogically abandoned students are required to be introduced into the general promising project of secondary educational institutions. Let's consider those areas of work, their goals, forms and methods that need to be considered in the long-term plan.

1. Study of the entire contingent of newly enrolled students, identification of difficult teenagers, organization of individual educational work with them.

Objectives of the work: to identify difficult students, the main advantages and disadvantages of their personality, inclinations, abilities, interests that can be used for the education or re-education of adolescents; to study the living conditions and upbringing of them in the family, their immediate environment, personal relationships, organization of accounting for difficult students; planning individual work with them, checking the effectiveness of an individual approach by observing changes in the personality and behavior of students.

2. Correction of the shortcomings of the moral development of pedagogically released students.

Objectives of the work: simultaneously with the solution of the most important tasks of moral education of students and on its basis to eradicate egoism, indifference to people, irresponsibility, laziness, non-performance, indiscipline, self-confidence, arrogance and other shortcomings of moral development in certain students, to promote their involvement in the full life and activities of the student team.

3. Education of the right attitude to the law and the skills of lawful conduct.

The purpose of the work (along with the general goals of legal education):overcoming disrespectful attitude to the law and legal norms, fighting against illegal behavior.

4. Work with underachieving and underachieving students.

Objectives of the work: teaching students the techniques and methods of independent mental activity, eliminating gaps in knowledge, fostering interest in general education knowledge, forming a sense of confidence in their abilities and abilities.

5. Overcoming the shortcomings of physical development and health of pedagogically neglected students.

Objectives of the work: to develop in pedagogically neglected adolescents the habit of the correct mode of study, work and rest, to distract from unreasonable and harmful to health activities, to cultivate a negative attitude to smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, to form the necessary hygiene skills and habits.

6. Work with parents of pedagogically neglected students.

The purpose of the work: to study the living conditions and upbringing of the student in the family, pedagogical and legal education of parents, coordination of educational influences on adolescents, taking appropriate measures for parents who evade the upbringing of their children, as well as negatively affecting them.