

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Kornienko D.V. FAMILIARIZATION WITH THE MEANS OF EXPRESSION IN THE SIXTH GRADE // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/112393 (дата обращения: 09.01.2025).
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Kornienko Daria Vadimovna
Student, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Musaelyan Elena Nikolaevna
научный руководитель,


Abstract. The article discusses the main methods of work related to the study of means of artistic expression with sixth grade students in Russian language lessons at a secondary school.


Keywords: Russian language, vocabulary, means of speech expressiveness, analysis, study, language culture, speech, structure, system.


What is the Russian language? Someone will say that it is a "tool" for everyday use, someone will say that it is a subject that allows extensive research, for someone it is a system of complex signs and symbols, which is sometimes very difficult to understand. All these opinions have a right to exist, because our language is an incredibly complex structured thing that has many secrets and riddles that are inaccessible to the ordinary man in the street. That is why the Russian language needs to be studied and improved, both for children and for older people. In this regard, in modern society, the Russian language is an obligatory part of the school curriculum.

One of these linguistic mysteries is the means of figurative expression, which play an important role in our speech. Students get to know them even in elementary school.

The main task of the school is to prepare a person with a high level of humanitarian culture. Improving the level of education, and in particular the quality of education among schoolchildren, is one of the most pressing problems of pedagogy and teaching methods.

In this regard, in this paper I would like to consider the mechanisms of teaching activity on concrete examples, namely, the study of means of expression by sixth grade students.

Our language is a complex structure. She has a coherent and logically correct system. In turn, this system has a huge number of elements. The smallest unit of language is sound, followed by morpheme. Already morphemes will consist of words that are considered the main language unit.

Each of these units corresponds to a certain language tier. Sound is a unit of phonetics, morpheme is morphemics, a word is a part of vocabulary, parts of speech in turn are units of morphology, and sentences are syntax. Morphology and syntax in combination represent grammar.

Just at the level of vocabulary, special tropes are distinguished – these are special turns of speech that give it special expressiveness and clarity.

The means of speech expressiveness is the use or formation of a nominative unit in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech [Gurdaeva, 2021: 141]. They focus our attention on some subject of discussion, on a phenomenon, person or event.

The study of the means of speech expressiveness, the need to use them in speech is important not only from the educational, but also from the educational side. It is equally important for a student to learn to speak their native language widely, and to find their place in the world, to realize themselves in unity with their native land, with the "small" homeland surrounding them.

The implementation of all of the above is possible just in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. At the lessons of the Russian language, a linguistic personality is formed with valuable views on the native language, a constant desire to master its system and improve in knowledge and skills related to the native language and native speech.

Working with language tools, of course, you need to start directly with theory. When explaining new material, the teacher needs to contribute to the development of students' sense of the word, the formation of their need to improve their own speech [Vorobyova, 2012]. The teacher should give children a concrete idea of the facts, phenomena being studied, the main idea of the material being studied. To achieve perception and awareness of new knowledge from schoolchildren, to develop appropriate skills and abilities.

The theoretical material should be accompanied by examples, for better assimilation of information among students. Bringing illustrations from various literary texts helps to understand the essence of the material faster by example.

The next stage of work on expressive and pictorial means is its use in speech, inclusion in an active dictionary. Students come up with riddles, write miniature essays, compose descriptive texts that include familiar figurative expressions [Kolesnikova, 2017: 10].

Text analysis implies the work of students under the supervision of a teacher "to detect, isolate and explain the meaning and functions of visual and expressive means of language" [Baburina, 2009:19]. Reading various works of fiction and folklore, students in the 6th grade get acquainted with the means of expression: rhyme, phonography, repetition of words, onomatopoeia, personification, comparison, learn to find them in the text and determine their functions. The teacher's goal is to teach them to use the main means of expression in speech [Deikina, 1993: 7, 9]. First of all, the assimilation of the expressive means of language by schoolchildren occurs in the process of studying works of art, the language analysis of which allows to distinguish figurative expressions in the text and use them in their speech.

When studying the means of expression, the teacher performs the function of an assistant in work, one of the sources of information; the central place in his activity should not be occupied by an individual student as an individual, but by a group of interacting students who stimulate and activate each other.

Thus, the means of speech expressiveness is an important layer of language culture that must be carefully studied in Russian language and literature lessons. This will allow students to enrich their speech with beautiful expressions and make it more sonorous.


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