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Gomzyakova D.I. POSTMODERN WAY OF THINKING // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 17(196). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/196/110439 (дата обращения: 12.01.2025).
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Gomzyakova Darya Igorevna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Shemaeva Elena Viktorovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Phil. sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. According to the "Newest Philosophical Dictionary" edited by A.A. Gritsanov, the term "postmodernism" is used as a concept used in modern cultural studies to refer to specific trends in the spiritual life of Western civilization at the end of the 20th century. The problem of postmodernism is one of the most urgent in the framework of the modern socio-cultural paradigm of the world. In connection with the change in thinking, the need to study conceptual changes in understanding the role of each of the elements of the scientific world seems to be one of the primary and necessary tasks in the formation of a single, integral picture of scientific knowledge.


Keywords: postmodernism, methodology, thinking, analysis, truth, pluralism, principle.


Postmodernism, like any new era, involves not only a change in the concepts and systems of society, but also a change in the style of thinking. At the moment, there are a fairly large number of scientific papers that affect this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology, sociology, philosophy, history and other humanities.

As A.A. Gretsev [2] postmodern thinking is dominated by two main functions:

1) Integrating function - the introduction of new and adaptation of old concepts within the framework of a new cultural and historical turn.

2) The regulatory function, which in turn complements the first, giving the direction of the study.

As some authors note, the style of postmodernism thinking creates a dialogue, which in turn allows you to build a "bridge" between different worldview concepts, including diametrically opposed points of view. For this type of thinking, it is common to consider the world not as a reality, but “as a text, operating with simulacra, creating hyperreality” [6, p. 67]. Thus, researchers can quite rightly declare the emergence of a new field of reality, built on the concept of different worlds. The result of this field of reality is the fact that truth ceases to be the main goal and pinnacle of knowledge [1].

The modern analysis of postmodernity allows us to speak about the rethinking of the time in which humanity develops. Although critics inevitably run into difficulties, given the sheer complexity of life in history: which elements in modern culture will prevail, and how changes occur in our society and how they affect our ways of thinking and being in the world. One symptom of the complexity of the present is how divided critics are on the issue of postmodern culture, with some critics celebrating scientific liberation and others bemoaning scientific enslavement.

Analyzing the data obtained, one can fully judge that postmodernism seeks to destroy classical structures, and the structure of the text as such. The desire to destroy the "closed, complete, hierarchized sign formation" [6, p. 114], i.e. there is a gradual decentering of any author's work, consisting of any elements. As a result, we get not the implementation of a linear model of the text, but semantic diversity, i.e. a rhizome (“self-organizing chaos of an unstructured plurality of simulacra” [6, p. 152]).

The new philosophical dictionary provides the following definition of postmodern thinking - "the concept of the philosophy of postmodernism, expressing the paradigm setting of modern philosophy to reject the presumption of the possibility of building a single and systemic conceptual model of the world both in the conceptual space of philosophy and in the conceptual space of any other thought system (science, theology, ethics, etc.)” [4, p. 777]. Thus, it turns out that the meaning of the definition "meaning" acquires a completely different meaning.

M. Foucault analyzes the formation of the conceptual apparatus in the postmodern world and comes to the conclusion that at the moment it is too early to talk about the formed style and form of thinking, since it is still being formed. The author also notes that the rejection of postmodernism from dividing philosophy into epistemology and ontology leads to the fact that we will be able to talk about the postmodernism of metaphysics in the future.

The postmodern style of thinking reflects an almost ideal system characterized by a plurality of truths. Consideration of several ordinal truths, according to P. Ricoeur, corresponds to its historical movement. The previously existing “unification of truth is both the goal of reason and the first mistake, the first violence” [5, p. 185]. One of his most important postulates, according to Gooding/Lennox, says: "There is no objective truth that, once discovered, must be accepted by every rational human being" [3, p. 314]. But here a contradiction appears - can there be many truths? It is for this controversial position that postmodern philosophers have often been criticized. But the contradiction disappears if we accept a new interpretation of the concept of "pluralism". Proceeding from this, the truth is comprehended as one in essence, but plural in the form of expression. But truth cannot be understood as a simple concept. One can accept as truth what seems true to any individual or community. Even a fact, according to Gooding/Lennox, is not an objective entity. Only the person himself, conducting a dialogue with other people, decides on the method of realizing the fact. “Any theory, ideology or religion that has created a metanarrative that claims to present universal truths that everyone must accept is subject to denial” [3, p. 314].

It is the principle of deconstruction, proposed by J. Derrida, that is one of the main characteristics of the postmodern style of thinking. The principle of deconstruction criticizes pre-existing ideas about the text, author, language, sign, etc. Therefore, deconstruction is the most important principle necessary for understanding the author's text in postmodern philosophy, but only if it "is an uncompromising and purposeful anti-tradition, with its subversive and revolutionary action" [3, p. 314].

As A.A. Grevtsev, the main functions of the postmodern style of thinking in modern culture are:

1) integrating function

2) regulatory function (determining the direction of research)

That is why researchers determine that the postmodern movement carries out a dialogue between cultures and eras.


List of literature: 
1. Amkuab G.A. Postmodern style of thinking. The problem of reality // Vestnik VUiT. 2019. - No. 2. – [Electronic source] URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/postmodernistskiy-stil-myshleniya-problema-realnosti (date of access: 04/06/2022).
2. Grevtseva A.A. Paradigms of the postmodern style of thinking // Bulletin of TSU. 2008. - No. 5. -[Electronic source] URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/paradigmy-postmodernistskogo-stilya-myshleniya (date of access: 03/04/2022).
3. Gooding D., Lennox J. Worldview: a person in search of truth and reality / transl. English T. V. Barchuunova. - Yaroslavl, 2004. - T. 2. - Book. 1. - p. 314.
4. The latest philosophical dictionary. 2nd ed. / Ch. scientific ed. and comp. A.A. Gritsanov. Mn., - 2001. - p. 777.
5. Ricoeur P. History and truth. - St. Petersburg, 2002. – p. 185.
6. Skoropanova I.S. Russian Postmodern Literature: New Philosophy, New Language. - SPb., 2001. - p. 67.