

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №3(139)

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Smolnikova J.A. THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATIONAL CONDITIONS ON THE SUCCESS OF EDUCATION MANAGERS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 3(139). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/139/85735 (дата обращения: 27.12.2024).
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Smolnikova Julia Anatolevna
Student, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia, Yaroslavl
Lekovceva Elena Nikolaevna
научный руководитель, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent of cathedra of Theory and History of Pedagogy, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University Russia, Yaroslavl


Abstract. The article presents the conclusions obtained as a result of a theoretical and empirical research of motivation in the management process of education managers in the Yaroslavl region. The analysis identified motivational conditions that successfully influence the practice of managers. Based on motivational conditions, the authors have developed recommendations for increasing motivation in the practice of education managers. The article is recommended to a wide range of readers interested in the problem of motivating employees of educational organizations.


Keywords: motivation, motivational conditions, management process, motivation in management, educational organizations.


Management as a purposeful process that ensures the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and development of the organization. It is an ordered cyclical system of management functions: analysis, planning, organization, motivation, control, coordination and decision making.

The manager is the person who carries out the management process. One of the main functions of the head - motivation, which encourages people to act effectively to achieve organizational goals. Correct motivation can increase the quality of work, productivity, improve the microclimate of the institution. Motivation is the engine of professional and personal development.

Often in educational institutions, managers consider employee motivation insignificant. If people come to work, perform work tasks, it means that they are already motivated, and to devote time to this problem is a waste of resources.

Nevertheless, the head needs personnel with a high level of development of professional education and personal culture, and he can achieve this goal only by improving all available management mechanisms and facilities.

Since managers are interested in the effectiveness of their organization, they cannot afford to miss the issue of successful management, which means that motivation takes on a major role in the practice of education managers, in their making effective management decisions.

The problem of motivation was researched by many Russian and foreign authors: A. V. Karpov, A. N. Leontiev, V. A. Rozanova, S. L. Rubinstein, K. Alderfer, F. Herzberg, A. Maslow, H. Heckhausen, etc.

However, the conducted theoretical researches do not answer the following questions: what is the specificity of the content of motivation for the professional practice of education managers? What is the correlation between the content of motivation and job satisfaction? What are the motivational conditions for the successful implementation of management process? These questions led us to further research.

Our research consisted in identifying the motivational conditions for the successful management process of education managers. We carried out diagnostics using a set of methodological tools: the Bass-Smekal-Kucher’s technique, the K. Zamfir’s method modified by A. Rean, the R. S. Nemov’s technique, the Y.V. Podolyak’s test, the V. A. Rozanova’s method. The research was carried out in commercial organizations of education in the city of Yaroslavl.

Analysis of diagnostic results allowed us to identify the dominant orientation of the individual managers of education, motivation complex, the prevailing motives of activity, the effectiveness of the leaders in terms of employees, job satisfaction, turnover.

The results of thorough theoretical and empirical research in educational institutions helped us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Heads of educational institutions of the city of Yaroslavl, carrying out the function of motivation, often experience difficulties, since they do not take into account many psychological and pedagogical factors and motivational conditions. Motivation is carried out spontaneously, depending on the situation.
  2. If the dominant orientation of the personality coincides in managers and subordinates, they have an optimal motivational complex, where internal motives of activity prevail over external positive ones, and those prevail over external negative motives, there is low turnover in the organization, management manages fairly and competently, then managers will be satisfied with their professional process, and employees will highly appreciate the effectiveness of the head of the educational organization.
  3. If the dominant motivation of managers and subordinates does not coincide, the motivational complex of managers is averagely effective, where external positive motives prevail over internal and external negative ones, there is a high turnover and lack of interest of leaders in creating a favorable climate in the team, then education managers will not be satisfied with their work. This can lead to ineffective results for the work of employees and the entire organization as a whole.
  4. Job satisfaction, the possibility of self-realization, a high authority, getting a decent compensation, the possibility of collectively make management decisions - these are the motivational conditions that we have identified in the diagnostic process. Their implementation contributes to the successful motivation of education managers.

Based on the identified motivational conditions and the results of the research, where we have found deficiencies in the current system of motivation in educational institutions, we have developed recommendations for increasing the motivation of management process of education managers:

  1. Scrutinizing of the motivation of your employees.

Cognition of the interests, leading motives, incentives, the dominant orientation of the personality of employees are the conditions without which it is impossible to carry out any motivational measures, because they will be ineffective and will not lead to the desired result. The system should include material and moral incentives; their application should be comprehensive. It is not enough to introduce the system - it is necessary to regularly monitor and correct the motivation system.

  1. Involvement in management process.

You can effectively manage an organization only by involving your employees in the management decision-making process. Being inside the work process, employees have tremendous experience and knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses. Respectful attitude to the opinions and gaze of the employee will show him that his participation in the organization is necessary, that he is appreciated. This condition will fulfill the needs of managers, and therefore create excellent conditions for motivating their activities.

  1. Individual approach to each employee.

The manager will get the most out of the employee if he takes into account his uniqueness, personal characteristics of the content of the motivational sphere. The manager's quick response, the actual satisfaction of the most significant individual motives of the employee, the gradual education of valuable motives for the organization will lead to a long-term and effective way of effective leadership over the managers of educational organizations.

  1. Public recognition.

For education managers, one of the important incentives to increase labor efficiency is the assessment and reward for good performance. A public expression of appreciation is the easiest and most effective non-financial incentive. The forms may be different: reporting on the manager's achievements at a general meeting of employees, decorating a board of honor, organizing a festive event with the presentation of honorary titles in various nominations, etc.

  1. Differentiation of wages.

Along with fair wages (salary), employee motivation can be increased through incentive payments. Such payments reward employees for the high quality of work performed, labor efficiency and professional achievements. Incentives should be carried out on the basis of an assessment of the fulfilled criteria of professional activity of education managers.


- innovation activity, experimental work, development of programs, technologies, methodological base;

- introduction of innovative working methods;

- participation in conferences, competitions, exhibitions;

- organizing and holding events;

- systematic improvement of personal development, professional competence;

- lack of substantiated complaints from the team, or from participants in the pedagogical process;

- discipline, compliance with the rules of corporate culture;

- full working hours, according to the rate;

- high-quality operational performance of the tasks of the head;

- other.

Each criterion can be assessed with a certain number of points, and they are then converted into a percentage of the employee's salary.

Increasing coefficients can also be established for official salaries, depending on the length of service, category, and the level of education of the manager.

  1. Opportunity for career advancement and self-realization as a professional in their practice.

You can increase employee motivation by developing a plan, model, or self-improvement program for a professional in your organization. An employee can improve his competence through self-training, development projects and internships, trainings and educational programs, communication with more experienced employees, feedback and development in the workplace. The manager should value qualified specialists and motivate them for continuous internal growth as a professional.

Another method of motivation for those education managers who are interested in satisfying their aspirations for career success is promotion. A manager, realizing that his employee has reached "heights", or has lost interest in activities, must understand that this can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of his work. To prevent this, the manager can expand his labor authority, or offer a new position.

  1.  Personal freedom and independence.

Creation of trusting relationships and a friendly atmosphere in the organization is another condition for increasing the efficiency of employees' activities. Educational managers, as we found out earlier, do not require negative motivation. They don't need pressure from management and unscheduled checks. It will be best for them to give independence and freedom of choice in the performance of their professional practice, a competent employee knows how to do a job well. The main task of the manager is to convince the employee of this, to dispel his doubts.

  1. Permanent information support.

The guarantee of a favorable psychological climate in the team is the openness of the leadership, the transparency of the systems of organization, management and control in the institution. An employee needs to know about changes and updates in the organization, their labor motivation depends on their awareness. Additional payments, incentive bonuses, criteria for assessing performance results, conditions of moral encouragement, results of control, agreements and agreements are all necessary information that should always be available to the employee.

The forms of information support: regulatory documents of the organization, meetings, visual materials, personal conversations with management, advice, etc.

  1. Feedback.

Timely feedback is an important condition for mutual understanding, effective cooperation between the manager and subordinates. After the control measures, the manager needs to assess and comment on the results of the managers' activities. The assessment should be objective, the assessment criteria and requirements are the same for all employees, comparison with how the employee evaluates himself.

Cognition of the employee's problems, response and timely assistance shows the high efficiency of the manager.

  1. Technical support.

The creation of the necessary material, technical and organizational conditions (sanitary and hygienic factors, technical capabilities, compliance with the work and rest schedule, etc.) will affect the success of the educational process and, as a result, the satisfaction with the professional work of education managers.

We suggested using these recommendations for increasing the motivation of professional activity of education managers to the leaders of educational organizations, on the basis of which we conducted our research. The implementation of our recommendations in practice will improve the motivational sphere of education managers and, therefore, make their management process of higher quality.


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