
Alcohol consumption in adolescence

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(112)

Рубрика: Социология

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Nemtseva A. Alcohol consumption in adolescence // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 19(112). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/112/71487 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).
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Alcohol consumption in adolescence

Nemtseva Alina
Student, Institute of Social Sciences and mass communications, Russia, Belgorod


Currently, there are many unresolved problems in Russia. If we talk about socio-economic problems, then drug addiction and alcoholism take the leading positions. In this article, we propose to consider youth alcoholism, because every year more and more young people suffer from this disease. It is necessary to understand that it is at this age that the risk of getting addicted is especially high.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) on February 5, 2018, 3.3 million people die each year from drinking alcohol.

The 20-39 age group accounts for about 25% of alcohol deaths. These instances are not always associated with health problems, it can also be domestic injuries, accidents that occurred while intoxicated.

The behavior of people who excessively consume alcoholic beverages is characterized by a high degree of aggression. In this condition, a person can break the law, hit or even kill another person, attempt suicide, and much more.

Alcohol harms society as a whole. From the fact that one drinks, the person's environment, his family and friends suffer.

If earlier the doctors separated the alcoholism into male and female, it is now more common to hear about teenage alcoholism. After all, it is at this age that young people are more exposed to the influence of society and their future depends on the correct combination of this influence.

We can talk about some of the reasons for drinking alcohol by young people. For example, the desire to join the company, "become your own". Some believe that this is the way to make friends, and thus show involvement in the company of peers or older people.

The second important reason is the presence of relatives who have problems with alcohol, since this happens at the genetic level, it is necessary to closely monitor the child and his pastime.

You can also talk about excessive coeval pressure, which can affect teenagers on a psychological or physical level.

Parents should know where and with whom the child spends free time and communicates in educational institutions and outside their walls.

If you look at the statistics of the Belgorod region, it can be noted that in 2017, 679 people were taken into preventive account due to the harmful effects of alcohol consumption.

Also, 701 people (per 100 thousand population) with the first-ever established diagnosis of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis were taken under observation.

But, in comparison with previous years, the number of people already registered in medical organizations with a diagnosis of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis has decreased (11602 people per 100 thousand population).

Certainly, a person has health problems, but alcohol also interferes in the social sphere of a young person's life. And after a few years of regular misuse the person does not control their emotions. This has an impact on the crime rate in the country.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in alcohol consumption per capita (Ministry of health of Russia, 2018).

The state takes all possible measures to preserve the health of the nation. There is a policy that is aimed at reducing the amount of alcohol consumed.

The main ones are:

increasing the cost of alcoholic beverages;

prohibition of advertising alcohol products in the media;

the USAIS system has been implemented.

promoting a healthy lifestyle, etc.

A complex approach to the problem of alcohol dependence allows us to stably move towards reducing the number of citizens dependent on alcohol. It is necessary to carry out preventive activities aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of alcohol among citizens. Methods of treatment of teenagers from alcoholism are the same as in the treatment of adults, but it is necessary to take into account the psychological factor. Here it is the work of the psychotherapist that plays the dominant role.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority is prohibited, but regular checks indicate that there is a violation of the law in the pursuit of profit. Penalties for violations of this law should be increased. In conclusion, I would like to note the particularly negative impact of alcoholism on society and the state as a whole.

To resolve this problem, it is necessary to teach a child to a healthy lifestyle from childhood and explain, first of all, by personal example, that excessive drinking alcohol has a negative impact on human health and its future. Alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the life of the family. Under these conditions, all measures of anti-alcohol education would be really effective. It is also particularly important to involve teenagers in socially useful work in a team where there is a healthy lifestyle.


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