
International cooperation of youth council and children's associations of Russia

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(112)

Рубрика: Социология

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Belobrova A. International cooperation of youth council and children's associations of Russia // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2020. № 19(112). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/112/71478 (дата обращения: 04.01.2025).
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International cooperation of youth council and children's associations of Russia

Belobrova Anastasia
Student, Institute of Social Sciences and mass communications, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. This paper considers the current state of international cooperation of the Council of Youth and Children's Organizations of Russia and the directions of its development.


Keywords: youth, youth policy, international cooperation, Russia.


The relevance of this topic is explained by the fact that international youth cooperation was and is an enormous resource for the activities of both various public associations and state bodies in the development of long-term cooperation and mutual understanding between countries. Youth is an integral part of the development of the state and society . The development of the state in the future depends on how the work with youth will be built.

Objective: To analyze the current state and prospects of the s development of international youth cooperation.

Tasks of work:

1. To identify modern areas of international cooperation of youth associations;

2. To reveal the prospects for the possible development of international youth cooperation

The modern life of society in the legal aspect does not do without the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Despite the long history of our state, the concept of constitutionalism is a novelty of the state system of the Russian Federation.

Scientific jurists substantiate the opinion in accordance with which constitutionalism began to emerge in the Russian Federation. In this aspect, constitutionalism is defined as a specific, philosophical idea of ​​a fair structure, both of society and of the state as a whole. In the process of evolution of the state, the model of a fair structure of statehood and society is being improved.

In the modern world, youth occupies one of the most important places in the life of the state. This category of people makes up its future social base, which is why it is very important to formulate in young people the correct perception of the reality of what is happening, to give the opportunity to participate in the adoption or development of any decisions. This policy should be carried out with the aim of educating the patriotic, intellectual, humane generation. The closer the relationship between the government and the youth is, the more productive the policy will be, which will provide support to the authorities in the future.

The most effective way to achieve the objectives in this area is to find the soil for dialogue and cooperation between the state and youth in order to help adapt and adapt to the political, social, spiritual problems of modern society, protect the rights and freedoms of the younger generation. On the part of society and the authorities, there is an awareness of the need for the participation of young citizens in various spheres of life, and that is why various youth initiatives, projects, programs are increasingly encouraged. That is why the priority direction of the state youth policy is to attract promising foreign youth to the implementation of Russian socio-economic projects. The most popular and popular mechanism for youth participation in solving global problems is the activity of international youth associations. Activities of young zhnyh about edineny this particular orientation is another important aspect - the promotion of cooperation and understanding m ezhdu institutions and states of civil society. M olodezhnye associations help the establishment of friendly relations between the future elites of their countries - say odymi scientists, politicians, journalists , businessmen . The significance of such cooperation is due to the fact that the branches of the foreign policy of states will depend on their position after a certain time.

The main partner of state structures in the field of international youth and children's cooperation is the National Council of Children and Youth Associations of Russia ( National Council of Russia), created in January 1992. in order to coordinate the interaction of public associations with government bodies and represent the youth non-governmental sector of Russia and at the international level. At this stage, the National Council of Russia unites many different organizations, of which 41 are all-Russian and interregional youth and children's associations, 32 are regional round tables of youth and children's associations. The principles of unification of youth organizations in the National Council of Russia comply with the standards adopted by the international youth movement and, therefore, it is recognized as the subject of international youth cooperation along with the structures of other countries of this orientation .

The most important condition for achieving the effectiveness of political actions undertaken in relation to the   youth sphere is the search for the basis for international cooperation and dialogue of the Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia with the aim of adapting and preparing for the vast   economic, social   and other problems of the modern world.

B lenstvo in various international institutions, the availability of communications and takzhne experience of international events of varying complexity n Allows Council to be competitive capable structure within most countries have a very solid auth ority in making various policy decisions in the field of youth policy, as well as having a great influence on internal action and development of the organization.

Modern development of children and youth union neny possible with the knowledge and with the condition of the practical implementation of the following standard principles of international cooperation:

1) participation in the solution and formulation of foreign policy tasks of Russia by the methods of diplomacy in society ;

2) uch astie in youth international movement as critical partner self parking Yelnia strength , source technologies and ideas ;

The main tasks of the international activities of the Council of Russia are:

1) the collection and dissemination of information on international cooperation in the youth sphere, as well as on international youth events at various levels ;

2) representing the interests of youth organizations in Russia in the international political arena.

3) assistance in the training of specialists , leaders of youth organizations who will be able to effectively and competently develop it in the field of international cooperation;

4) support for the international activities of various membership organizations at the state and international levels;

• participation of representatives of affiliates in seminars, training courses , conferences and other events of the EMF; 

• lobbying for joint international events, at various levels ( both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad ). 

In the field of cooperation with the Directorate of Youth and Sports of the Council of Europe, the National Council:


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