
Petrothermal energy as the energy of the future

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №36(87)

Рубрика: Технические науки

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Kolbina T., Samigullin A. Petrothermal energy as the energy of the future // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 36(87). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/87/60808 (дата обращения: 13.01.2025).
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Petrothermal energy as the energy of the future

Kolbina Tatyana
student, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny
Samigullin Almaz
Senior Lecturer, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny


Abstract. The article discusses ways to solve problems associated with the use of various types of resources. New methods for extracting petrothermal energy from the bowels of the earth are proposed.


Keywords: petrothermal energy, heat power engineering, heat supply.


Introduction. In the modern world, more and more specialists deal with the energy problem from year to year. The problem of rational use, distribution and obtaining more profitable resources is becoming a global problem throughout the world. The energy situation in individual states has a significant impact on the living standards of their population.

The present is such that the world needs to use renewable and non-renewable energy sources and various types of fuel in a more economical form. Most countries are trying to find a satisfactory alternative. Our world does not stand still and energy too, therefore, it is necessary to look for new resources, new methods and improve the already known types of energy production. [4,5]

Main part. In my opinion, the most promising solution to the problems is to generate heat from the rocks themselves, which lie underground. This direction of geothermal energy is petrothermal. The depth of the rocks depends on the temperature, the higher the temperature, the deeper they lie underground. Deep-seated rocks have a fairly large supply of energy. In the depths of the bowels various processes take place:

- physical and chemical

- tectonic movement of the earth's crust

- decays of radioactive elements

These processes support the thermal potential of the earth.

The term "Petrothermal" takes its roots from ancient times. "The first Petrothermal GCC using the heat of porous rocks was built in Paris in 1963."

Another area of ​​geothermal energy is hydrothermal. Hydrothermal energy is more in demand, as it is easier to implement. However, its use is only possible where suitable geothermal waters are available. As for petrothermal energy, its systems can be created practically anywhere in the world. The resources of petrothermal energy are practically inexhaustible, available everywhere and convenient for use in contrast to wind and solar energy. [2,3]

Currently, by type of heat dissipator, they represent:

- steam-hydrothermal resources. They have been used from time immemorial in the form of self-draining liquids and steam. The advantage of these resources is easy accessibility. About 70% of the sources of steam-hydrothermal resources are accounted for by deposits with a temperature of at least 130 ° C. The disadvantage is the location of the sources, the need for cleaning before operation, sometimes the possibility of thermal or chemical pollution of the environment

- petrothermal energy resources (HotDryRock- hot dry rock). A new direction of energy, which is based on the extraction of hard rocks from the bowels of the earth. In comparison with steam-hydrothermal resources, they are simpler, since thermal manifestation is available anywhere in the world. The disadvantage is the difficulty of extracting heat from deep wells, but this is not so critical, because drilling technology develops day after day.

- magmatic resources. Heat resources that are not geographically limited. Magma resources have a lot of potential energy. Unfortunately, mankind does not have the technology to develop the most powerful and high potential sources.

Scientists calculate and experimentally obtain information on rock temperatures, the data obtained make it possible to construct maps with temperature fields and isotherms. An analysis of the constructed maps helps to find the most suitable places for the introduction of an alternative type of energy. Based on experimental high-precision temperature measurements in deep and superdeep wells conducted on the territory of Tatarstan, maps of isotherms are constructed, which are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 on the roof of the crystalline basement and at various depths up to 12 km. All depths are characterized by a pronounced heterogeneity of the thermal field. Zones with elevated temperatures, indicating high heat fluxes from the bowels, and, accordingly, a high degree of fragmentation and fracturing of rocks and the presence of intense convective heat and mass transfer processes, can be recommended for deep drilling. [1]


Figure 1. Map of isotherms on the roof of the crystalline basement


Figure 2. Map of isotherms at an absolute mark of -12000m


Methods of pumping petrothermal energy from the bowels of the earth.

The extraction of energy from the bowels of the earth is a very difficult process, however, various methods of pumping petrothermal energy can be used.

One such method is “pipe in pipe” Fig. 3 from the bowels of the earth hot water flows through the pipe. Hot and cold fluids move in two different channels, heat exchange occurs between the walls.


Figure 3. The scheme «pipe in pipe»


No less relevant is the "U-shaped pipe" method which is shown in Fig. 4. Due to the heating of the pipe in the bowels of the earth, hot water enters. Heat exchange occurs between the two environments.


Figure 4. Scheme «U-shaped pipe»


Output. According to the information review, it was revealed that the production of petrothermal energy is poorly studied. In this paper, 2 methods for producing petrothermal energy were proposed. Each method does not require large expenses and is economically viable for the whole world. When depleting natural gas reserves, an alternative source of energy must be provided, therefore, research is required to begin now.


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2. S.V. Grigoryev. Energy supply of isolated and remote consumers through the use of petrothermal energy sources. / S.V. Grigoryev. // Thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Moscow, 2014.
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