

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Polshchikova A. THE INFLUENCE OF THE TEACHER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD'S PERSONALITY // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 20(199). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/199/113202 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).
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Polshchikova Alina
Student of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


The modern period of human society development is characterized by closer attention to the school period of a person's life, the formation of his personality, the peculiarities of socialization, the preservation and formation of a mentally and physically healthy generation. Therefore, in pedagogy, a view is being formed and increasingly expanding its position on the work of educational institutions not so much in terms of education as in terms of the development of universal human values ​ ​ among children, the ability to communicate and contact people. It follows that the professional activity of the teacher is a process of continuous communication with schoolchildren, the effectiveness of which depends on the results of educational and educational work at school.

Studying the aspect of the teacher's communication with children is especially important in our opinion because schoolchildren, interacting, communicating with adults, learn ways of behavior, communication by imitation, as a result of which they transfer the character and characteristics of adult behavior to their environment.

The teacher is responsible for targeted educational work at school, models, organizes and stimulates the development of the personality of students. Being an intermediary between society and a child, organizes a system of relations through various types of activities of students, creates conditions for the development of each person, reveals his potential abilities, protects the interests of childhood.

The problem of pedagogical activity was studied by B.G. Ananiev, A.L. Bodalev, Y.L. Kolominsky, M.I. Lisina, A.A. Leontiev, T.A. Repina and other outstanding domestic psychologists. Particular attention to this problem is associated with the awareness of the exceptional role of the process of pedagogical communication in the socio-psychological formation of the child's personality.

Pedagogical activity is a purposeful, motivated influence of the teacher, focused on the comprehensive development of the child's personality and preparation for life in modern sociocultural conditions, which is based on the laws of upbringing practice [1].

Learning as one type of human activity consists of two interrelated processes - teaching and teaching.

Teaching - the teacher's activity in the learning process consists in setting cognitive tasks for students, organizing observations, laboratory and practical exercises, guiding the work of students in self-learning of knowledge, in testing knowledge, skills and skills [3].

It includes the following structural components [3]:

- Planning carried out mainly due to the preparation of calendar-thematic and time-based plans;

- The organization of training work provides for the implementation of a certain plan and includes two main stages: preparatory and executive;

- Stimulating students' attention to this topic is closely related to the organization. The main task is to attract students to study a certain material;

- Awakening of their activity, cognitive interest, development of feelings of duty and responsibility;

- Control - verification of learning material assimilation by students, is carried out in the form of oral answers to questions, verification of written works, etc.;

- Analysis of training results required to determine possible causes of deficiencies in the training process and their further improvement;

- Prompt adjustment of the teaching organization.

Educational activity as a special type of pedagogical activity is carried out by a teacher in the system of pedagogical relations and is aimed at [5]:

improving people and relationships between people;

creation of favorable conditions for the development of the individual;


microclimate of communities that include a pupil;

Great demands are placed on the personality of the teacher. According to Ya. A. Komensky, teachers should take care of being a model of simplicity for students in food and clothing, in activity - an example of vigor and hard work, in behavior - modesty and prudence, in speeches - the art of conversation and silence, in a word, to be a model of prudence in private and public life. Such a teacher makes the pride of the school and its students, is appreciated by his parents and will be able to adequately fulfill his position, above which there is no other under the sun [4].

The professional-pedagogical orientation of the personality of the teacher includes interest in the profession, pedagogical vocation, professional-pedagogical intentions and inclinations. [2]

The basis of the pedagogical vocation is love for children. This fundamental quality is a prerequisite for self-improvement, purposeful self-development of many professionally significant qualities that characterize the teacher's professional and pedagogical orientation.

Teacher and student are the two main figures in the education system. Their relationships in and out of the lesson have a decisive influence on the entire educational process, which should be based on the interests and principles of life of children of the existing generation [6].

The teacher plays a huge role in shaping the personality of the child.

In the course of his professional activities, he performs two main functions: training and educational. The implementation of these functions requires the following personal parameters from the modern teacher:

• needs and abilities to be active and versatile.

professional and socio-cultural activities;

• tactfulness, feelings of empathy, patience and tolerance in relations with children and adults, willingness to accept and support them, and, if necessary, to protect them;

• understanding of originality and relative autonomy

the self-development of the individual;

The teacher forms, develops and educates his students, becoming for them, then caring, sensitive and understanding adult, then a high-class specialist in a certain field of knowledge.

A humane educator should rely on the student's capabilities, potential, and not on the authority of his power and coercion. Its main task is to identify, reveal and develop everything of value in a person, and not to form a habit of obedience. An educator, like any other leader, should know well and represent the activities of the students he manages.

Summarizing this, we can conclude: to be a good teacher, it is necessary that children perceive you not only as a teacher, but also as a friend and even a friend! A teacher who has achieved this can rightfully be considered a master of his craft.


1. Kovalev A. G. Personality educates himself. - M.: "Iris-press," 1993.
2. Slastenin V.A. Formation of the teacher's personality in the process of professional training. - M., 1976.
3. Baikova L.A., Grebenkina L.K. Pedagogical skills and pedagogical technologies - M., 2000.
4. Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I. General pedagogy: textbook. - M., 2002.
5. Amonashvili Sh.A. Personality-humane basis of pedagogical profession. - Minsk, 1990.
6. Teacher's role in shaping the student's personality. – 2013. [Electronic resource]. – URL: https://na-journal.ru/2-2013-gumanitarnye-nauki/301-rol-uchitelja-v-formirovanii-lichnostiuchashhegosja (date of appeal 21.04.22)