

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №20(199)

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Miziryaeva D.A., Krainyukov A.S. PEDAGOGICAL TACT AND IMAGE IN THE FORMATION OF A TEACHER // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 20(199). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/199/112972 (дата обращения: 13.01.2025).
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Miziryaeva Darya Andreevna
Student of the faculty of mathematics and natural science education Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Krainyukov Alexander Sergeevich
Student of the faculty of mathematics and natural science education Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer Foreign languages department NRU BSU, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The essence of the concepts "pedagogical image" and "pedagogical tact" is studied and the ways of effective formation of the teacher's image and tact are considered.


Keywords: pedagogy, pedagogical image, pedagogical tact, pedagogical ethics, teacher.


It is important for a modern teacher to be able to create his own unique image, professional image. He is expected to show individuality, creativity, and originality in his approach to the educational process. This is due not only to the reform of education, but also to changes in the views of society on the personality of the teacher as a whole. It is the image of a teacher that plays an important role in his professional activity. A modern teacher is a professional who combines love for his work and students. A properly constructed image of a teacher is important not only for students as an example of a successful person, but also for the teacher himself – for moral satisfaction.

Pedagogical tact is the ability of a teacher to quickly find an effective way to influence the consciousness and feelings of students in the process of teaching and upbringing to achieve a goal without the risk of losing authority and losing the trust of students. Pedagogical tact is also a professional quality of a teacher, with the help of which he applies the most effective method of educational influence to students in each case [2].

The teaching profession is public, so one of the professional skills should be the ability to self–presentation - the ability to show certain qualities in front of a certain audience, in a certain situation, with a certain goal. Self-presentation plays a big role in creating a first impression. The phenomenon of the first impression often determines the further dynamics of interaction.

The purpose of this article was to study the concepts of pedagogical image and tact and to find ways to successfully develop them.

To study these questions, we conducted a survey on the basis of the National Research University of Belgorod. The questionnaire was attended by students of group 02041901 consisting of 14 people.

Let's analyze the answers of students concerning the qualities that a modern teacher should possess. The data obtained are shown in page 1.


Page 1. The ratio of positive and negative qualities of a teacher


In the diagram above, we can see that the vast majority of students (93%) believe that a teacher should have only positive qualities. 7% of the subjects believe that the teacher needs negative traits. It can be judged that a teacher should not only be good, he should have an iron character and a steel grip.        

Summing up the research, it can be noted that more than half of the subjects are familiar with the concepts of pedagogical image and tact. They know what qualities a modern teacher should have, how he should treat students, how he should look and behave. Students realize that the image of a teacher is an image created by a teacher, which combines not only the appearance, but also the internal qualities necessary in the work.

Creating an image of a teacher is a complex and lengthy process. When starting to form their own image, the teacher should begin by analyzing the essence of pedagogical activity and their own perception of the pedagogical image. Then you need to form your own visual image. It includes not only appearance, but also non-verbal means of communication. The main requirements for the appearance of the teacher are thoughtfulness, modernity and neatness of the costume. A teacher with his appearance should have students, other teachers, parents, so the question of choosing clothes should be approached with special care, and also adhere to the basic rule of etiquette: to look beautiful means to show respect for others.


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