

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(198)

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Egorova A.E. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERAMENT ON THE CHOICE OF TEACHING METHODS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(198). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/198/111855 (дата обращения: 10.01.2025).
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Egorova Anastasia Evgenievna
Student, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Cheremukhina Darya Alexandrovna
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philology Sciences Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article explores the topic of the influence of temperament on the choice of teaching methods for schoolchildren. Special attention is paid to the competent interaction of the teacher with the psychological characteristics of a child's temperament. The article is intended for teachers and teachers of general education institutions.


Keywords: temperament, influence of temperament, methods.


Problem: how does temperament influence the choice of teaching methods.

Thesis: the teacher must take into account the temperament of the students in order to correctly choose the teaching method.

In the 21st century, the issue of educating the young is more acute than ever. Each child has his own character, temperament and psychological characteristics [1, p.256]. They can become helpers or a problem during the educational process. In modern psychology, there are four types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. The problem of interaction with them still remains relevant. After all, each type has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail. If we consider the types of temperament according to Hippocrates, then we can decipher them as follows:

Choleric – a high concentration of bile makes a person intemperate and impulsive. Sanguine – an increased dose of blood guarantees fun and mobility. Phlegmatic – lymph, a high content of this substance gives a person such properties as calmness and balance. Melancholic – the high content of black bile makes you sink into despondency and melancholy [2, p.304].

Referring to Pavlov's theory, these types of temperament can be described as follows, following his theory, which states that: "the type of higher nervous activity, which is determined by the ratio of balance, strength and mobility of inhibitory and excitatory processes." According to this theory, a sanguine person is balanced, optimistic, cheerful, active, emotional. Lives by the mood. It is easier for him than anyone else to experience failures and create a pleasant microclimate in the team. However, despite his high activity and sociability, he often does not finish things and is overconfident [3, p. 336] Choleric – such people are impulsive, active, gambling, have an "explosive" character. They quickly memorize information, but for a fairly short period of time without repetition. They prefer frequent changes of activity and team. Such students are the most intemperate, artistic, public and prone to emotional breakdowns. Phlegmatic – often calm, restrained, balanced and patient [4, p.430]. Always brings things to the final point, but is less communicative than the two previous types. Prefers solitude and a calm rhythm in life and work, does not like empty words, and is also restrained in stressful situations. Melancholic is a thoughtful, creative person, tolerates failures and ridicule the hardest of all, is communicative, but shy, clamped. Shouting and too strict behavior will force a child with this type of temperament to withdraw into himself. They are characterized by an analytical mindset and a creative approach to work [5, p.182].

Every teacher needs to study this issue in depth in theory and in practice, because temperament is an integral part of the personality that will remain with the child forever [6, p. 148]. Speaking about working with each type of temperament, it is worth paying attention to the article "The influence of the type of temperament on educational activity" by psychological scientists Trubinov E.A., Gultyaeva T.V., Vanyutina E.S. They write that, depending on a certain temperament, the teacher /teacher should select the methodology and tasks that will not conflict with the psychological characteristics of the students [7, p.728]. For example, to work with choleric patients, it is worth using the method of changing tasks, alternating theory with practice, which will also help in the development of his publicity and artistry. Examples of such tasks can be presentation, expressive reading, presentation, participation in theatrical productions, etc. Also, in working with such students, it is worth focusing on the development of self-control and bringing things to an end. In no case should "strong measures" of influence be used – shouts, slaps, threats. This only increases the excitement. With an excitable child, one should speak calmly, but demanding, without persuasion [8, p.227]. Also suitable are designing, board games, drawing, anything that requires discipline and perseverance. When working with phlegmatic people, it is worth remembering about their perseverance and calmness, they always bring the matter to an end. Tasks that will not put him in a state of "calm" and increase the level of sociability are suitable for him. You should use tasks such as: essay – reasoning, plot – role–playing, in-depth search for information on any topic, reading dialogues on roles, learn a fragment from a work, tasks - experiments. When it comes to sanguine people, the teacher should not forget about activity, increased positivity. However, they are not as harsh and chaotic as the same choleric, sociable. Such children should be given a task in pairs for the purpose of control and mutual assistance, the development of natural abilities. A sanguine person is prone to wit, quickly grasps new things, easily switches attention [9, p.67]. A job that requires a quick reaction suits him best. He quickly gets tired of the monotony. As soon as the activity loses its appeal, the child tries to stop it, switch to something else. It will be useful for sanguine children to produce Physical Culture from time to time. wait a minute. Sports tasks, projects, general articles, etc. are excellent tasks for such children. But the most fragile in terms of learning are melancholics. They are shy and require a special, reverent attitude towards themselves. Tasks for such children should contain a creative vein, develop their abilities and promote them in the team. These are tasks such as: thematic drawings and essays, poetry, group classes and [10, p.320] etc.

Thus, it can be said that there is no bad or good temperament. It all depends on the level of his development and precisely selected teaching methods, which affect the learning ability and behavior of the child.


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