Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №16(195)
Рубрика: Филология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №16(195)
Abstract. A large place in the work is occupied by the consideration of the ambivalence of love in the poetry of Nikolai Gumilev. The main attention is drawn to the destructive and healing power of love in the poems of the poet of the Silver Age. The research is conducted through the consideration of such poems as "Poisoned", "About you", "More than once you will remember me ...", which allow you to study in detail the role of love in Gumilev's poetry. The purpose of the article is to show the varieties of the image of love through the prism of its perception by the author of poems. It is said about the positive and negative impact of the feeling of love on a person. The article is intended for a wide range of readers. It will interest those people who are not only engaged in literary studies, but also the work of Nikolai Gumilev.
Keywords: poetry, motive, love, lyrics.
In modern literary studies, the study of the motive of love in the works of poets of the Silver Age is quite relevant. One of the representatives of this direction is Nikolai Gumilev. In his poetry, love is understood in different ways. The author considers love from the side of its healing and destructive power. In the poems of Nikolai Gumilev, the motive of love is considered both protective and deadly in different poems, and in one poem at the same time. Let's consider this problem in more detail on specific poems.
Considering the concept of love in the work of Nikolai Gumilev, one can single out its all-encompassing power. It is the love for a woman, the admiration of a beloved that permeates the entire poem "About you". In the center of Gumilev's creation is the image of a beloved woman, and not of any particular lady, but of a lover in general. This is evident from the title - a combination of a pronoun with a preposition - "About you". The lyrical hero recedes into the background, giving the main position to "her", the sweet and only one. This work of Gumilev is a hymn, a hymn of true love, capable of overcoming any obstacles, even death, love, probably, not only for a woman, for a man, but also love in general for everything earthly and heavenly, for nature and God.
The motif of love as a poisonous potion, iconic for Gumilev's lyrics, is characterized by autobiography. In the poem "Poisoned", the lyrical hero is literally poisoned by his beloved. The farewell speech does not contain accusations: he grants freedom to his beloved. The lyrical subject, who is on the verge of death, feels like a traveler who is heading to a "cool paradise". In the artistic world of the "Poisoned", death is a way out of the labyrinth of painful love.
In Gumilev's work, we can observe both the good and bad qualities of love in one poem. In the poem "More than once you will remember me ..." the lyrical hero tells about his ideal. The hero generously offers his beloved to share an imaginary reality with him, but receives a negative answer. Although love remained unrequited, the heroine's impressions of the "simple and crude" attraction of the world of poetic fantasy are alive in her memory. Love in the work of Nikolai Gumilev is ambivalent. Her beauty both attracts and frightens, fascinates and worries.
Thus, we can say that the motive of love plays an important role in the poetry of Nikolai Gumilev. Love is considered by him not only from one positive side, the poet sees love as a multifaceted phenomenon that directly or indirectly affects the fate of a person.